Friday, March 5, 2010

Funny things....

Paige is so funny these days...she hears and says everything! So I have to be careful sometimes, especially when I am driving! I always forget to write down some of the funny things she are a few from the last couple of days....

We were exiting the Starbucks drive through and got behind another car in the parking lot, this other car was going REAL slow, then I notice they roll down the front passenger window and drop a crumpled soda can onto the parking of course I start honking my horn at them. Paige says 'Mom, why you doing that?' I think carefully of my choice words...and spell out I-D-I-O-T! and say 'well those people just dropped some garbage in the parking lot. People should not put garbage in the street, that is so rude.' She sits there thinking, then says 'those guys have really, really bad behavior!'.....I said 'yes, they do!' and chuckled.

This morning Paige was eating her oatmeal in the kitchen and she is a pretty slow eater (because the has an extra dose of the 'talking' gene!). So I went in the other room to do something and when I came back into the kitchen and Paige said 'my arm is so tired!' I said 'oh really, why?' She says 'because I've been scooping my oatmeal!' I started to laugh...yup eating oatmeal is pretty strenuous work!

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