Wednesday, December 1, 2010

So thankful.....

It's Thanksgiving and a few things I am thankful for are: a healthy family, a warm home, enough food to eat, and every day I get to see Paige growing up! Sometimes I go through a day or week or month then all the sudden I get a dose of how amazing it is to watch and witness someone learn and grow! I am so thankful for this and to be her mom!

Paige did this dot-to-dot, which I think was a bird, but since it was near thanksgiving time and she had been drawing a lot of turkeys, she insisted this was a turkey. She showed me her colors and how good she had done and I went back to working on my computer, which she colored more. She kept repeating 'Tom Turkey' (our name for basically all turkeys!) and I was like yes that is a great turkey. Latere after she was in bed and I was cleaning up, I found this....great drawing of Tom Turkey! And I realized that Paige had been repeating 'Tom Turkey' becuase she was sounding it out and spelling it! It made me smile and get teary eyed! Wow!

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